Jumamosi, 23 Agosti 2014


Lake Manyara N.P

There are stunning views of the park from every direction. From the east, the Rift Valley escarpment emerges on the horizon with the lake forming a glistening background. On the southern side of the park, you will find the hot springs of Maji Moto. At the top of the escarpment from the west, the park stretches across a ribbon of green with the lake shining in the sun. And, like most Rift Valley lakes, the water is alkaline. This attracts vast flocks of flamingos, which form a pink foam against a silver background of water. Altogether, this area offers beautiful views as you take in the massive lake with its silver shimmer and surrounding vegetation.
The major landmark is the spectacular rift wall, where the plains give way to cultivated uplands of Mbululand. The Great Rift Valley is part of a fault in the earth's crust. Measuring only 330 sq. km, of which the lake occupies 230 sq. km, this park is renowned for the diversity of its features which makes the Park a particularly memorable place to visit. Animals found in the area include zebra, elephant, hippo, monkey, wildebeest, waterbuck, warthog, gazelle, impala, buffalo, wildebeest, waterbuck, warthog, hyena, baboon and giraffe. Manyara is also known for its tree-climbing lions. These majestic animals find shelter from the heat and biting flies in the branches of trees. There are also over 350 species of bird life, with a variety of local species inhabiting the forest and bush, including pelicans that waddle around next to short grasses on the shore of the lake.

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